Source: Standard and Poor's for annualized index performance.
Past performance does not guarantee future results. The illustration is not representative of any Guggenheim Investments product. Some investment products have more risk than others. There are additional risks associated with investing in Consumer Discretionary, Consumer Staples, Energy, Financials, Health Care, Industrials, Information Technology, Materials, Telecommunications and Utilities stocks.
*Standard deviation is a measure of historical volatility that indicates a degree to which an investment’s returns fluctuate around its average return. Generally, a higher standard deviation indicates a more risky investment.
S&P 500® (Economic Sectors) Index is a capitalization-weighted index. The Index is designed to measure performance of the broad domestic economy through changes in the aggregate market value of 500 stocks representing all major industries. The Index was developed with a base level of 10 for the 1941–43 base period.
This information is intended to be general in nature and should not be construed as investment advice or a recommendation of any specific security or strategy. The index returns used to calculate the correlations do not reflect any management fees, transaction costs, or expenses. The indices are unmanaged and are not available for direct investment. Index information is provided for illustrative purposes and is not meant to represent the performance of a fund.
Guggenheim Investments represents the investment management businesses of Guggenheim Partners, LLC ("Guggenheim"). Securities offered through Guggenheim Funds Distributors, LLC. Guggenheim Funds Distributors, LLC is affiliated with Guggenheim Partners, LLC.
Not FDIC insured. Not bank guaranteed. May lose value. Member FINRA/SIPC GISI-HASR-0225 x0126 #63801